Sunday, December 31, 2006

excerpt from knights of cydonia by muse

No one's gonna take me alive,
The time has come to make things right,
You and I must fight for our rights,
You and I must fight to survive,

No one's gonna take me alive,
The time has come to make things right,
You and I must fight for our rights,
You and I must fight to survive

Damn. with a royal capital "D"
Why was/has this word become something to be taken seriously? offensive?
Is it possible because it actually DOES something?
That to damn something, actually does that- "damn" it?
Because if it does, then I rightfully, righteously would damn the disease dubbed under the name of cancer.
I hate cancer because it has brought destruction to everything I see it touch.
I hope that cancer will become erradicated from society and not touch humanity. I was about to say innocent, but who knows who is innocent, we are all guilty of something or another, who can sift through and pinpoint what random cause and result domino affect was started by what sin.

I wish I could damn something, in fact I did, in writing. But I erased it.
Should I be doing something I am ignorant of.
Instead I counter curses with blessings.
I bless all those who are cursed, and I ask that the Lord G-d of Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus set free all those who are bound by the chains of sickness and meaningless of cancer. They have suffered, suffered, suffered.
I pray a blessings upon their soul and bodies that G-d may lavish on them healing and comfort.
I will this to come to pass in the name of Christ Jesus.

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